Cool Deal

Energy consumption graph

Energy efficiency may not be sexy, but it’s cutting consumption and costs across Knox County Schools.

Science Museum Moves Forward

Development agreement

City Council tonight will consider an agreement with Jim Clayton’s foundation for construction of a $100 million discovery center near the Coliseum.

In Other Action…

Magnolia Avenue monument sign

Also on City Council’s agenda tonight: a scooter moratorium, a monument for Magnolia and a new dock for the Vol Navy.

A New Mandate

Darris Upton

Darris Upton is feeling his way into his job as Knox County’s first-ever diversity development manager. “This is a brand-new effort,” he says.

From Parkway to Park

Baker Creek Preserve

A $10 million dollar entrance to the Urban Wilderness promises to transform the dead-end of James White Parkway.

Jacobs’ Ladder

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs

From college athlete with a blown-out knee to wrestling superstar to chief executive of Knox County government, Glenn Jacobs has always believed in himself.

Precinct Profile: Knox County #49

Knox County voting precinct #49

Bearden Elementary School is the polling place for the 49th precinct. Situated near Homberg Place in the middle of what is traditionally considered Bearden, the school is where a surprisingly diverse segment of the population votes.

Chapman Highway Revisited

Chapman Highway

There have been a lot of plans to improve the notorious South Knox thoroughfare. The City and MPC want input on which ones to pursue.

Nystrom, Carringer Tapped to Lead Commission

Michelle Carringer and Hugh Nystrom.

As expected, Webb School administrator and 4th District County Commissioner Hugh Nystrom was elected the new Commission chairman by his colleagues Tuesday evening. 2nd District Commissioner Michele Carringer was named vice chair.