Stadium Cost Finalized

Stadium site photo.

The tab has risen to $114 million, but Boyd’s extended commitment means no additional public funds would go toward construction.

Applying to Connect

Pedestrian Bridge Rendering

Knoxville’s federal grant application for pedestrian bridge funding emphasizes linking an underserved area with the rest of the city.

Bridge Partners

Councilman Tommy Smith Photo

The city and the University of Tennessee agree to build a pedestrian bridge across the Tennessee River — if the funding comes through.

Standards Bearer

Brooklyn Sawyers Belk and Chief Paul Noel photo.

Police Chief Paul Noel hires a law professor and former federal prosecutor to promote accountability and help shape the department’s culture.

City: Pay Upgrades Effective

Mayor Indya Kincannon and Deputy to the Mayor Erin Gill photo.

Knoxville officials say this year’s salary overhaul is improving recruiting and retention amid a generally upbeat financial climate.

Core PILOT Passes

Jared Schenk of Core Spaces

Council approves a five-year tax incentive for a development that would add roughly 2,000 residents to the Cumberland Avenue corridor.

City Homicides Down in 2022

Police cruiser with lights on

KPD investigated fewer murders last year, though officials say more needs to be done to lower the level of violence in Knoxville.

Looking Ahead: City of Knoxville 2023

Stadium site prep

Municipal elections will attract much of the public attention this year, while stadium construction should begin and the Public Safety Complex will open.

Power Poll: Rewinding 2022

Power Poll: Rewinding 2022 photo

Respondents weigh in on what they see as the most significant stories in government and education from the past year.