A Rogero Retrospective

Knoxville’s first woman mayor is leaving office after eight busy years on a variety of civic fronts.

Councilmen Exit the Stage

Outgoing Council members tout pension reform, Recode Knoxville and creating a collaborative culture as signature accomplishments.

Finishing Up the Foyer

Volunteer Ministry Center is preparing to open its low-barrier shelter for the homeless as a path to permanent housing.

Gearing Up to Govern

Knoxville Mayor-elect Indya Kincannon and her transition team are preparing for her to take office next month.

Urban Vote on Rural Growth

By a razor-thin margin, City Council opted to ease restrictions on development in Knox County’s rural areas.

Avoiding Conflicts

Mayor Madeline Rogero’s husband works for a construction company that’s done work on city projects, but experts say firewalls have blocked any potential ethics violations.

Mapping a Makeover

Chilhowee Park rendering

A master plan to rejuvenate Chilhowee Park & Exhibition Center would result in saying farewell to the Tennessee Valley Fair.

Room to Grow

Madeline Rogero and Glenn Jacobs

With support from county and city leaders, a proposal to reduce restrictions on rural development clears its first hurdle.