Making the Cut

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs

In approving County Mayor Glenn Jacobs’ $853.1 million budget, commissioners supported a 30 percent reduction in the county’s indigent care program.

A Shifting Burden

Glenn Jacobs budget presentation

As Knox County Commission prepares to pass its 20th straight budget with no property tax increase, we look at what that means for county revenues and property owners.

Growth, Smart and Otherwise

Growth Policy Committee

Representatives of residential groups call for better planning in the fast-growing, unincorporated areas of Knox County.

Further Study

Knox County Health Department Director Martha Buchanan

Knox County Commission delays action on cutting funding to healthcare providers in the indigent care program.

Southern Routes

Urban Wilderness

County Commission looks likely to defer a study to identify highway needs and options in South Knox County.

Comfortable With the Cuts

Knox County Commission

Knox County Commission appears amenable to a 30 percent reduction in the county’s indigent care program.

The Deepest Cut

Providers say a proposed reduction in the Health Department’s indigent care program will hurt their efforts to serve the poorest residents of Knox County.

No Resolution

Knox County Commission declines to act on a proposal to remove one of its members from the Joint Education Committee.

Commission Conflict

Legal questions and angry words mark an effort to remove Commissioner Evelyn Gill from Knox County’s Joint Education Committee.